DIY Pine Cone Christmas Tree

The next project it’s a beautiful DIY that fits perfectly in your home. In this time of the year, we all are looking for the most suitable decorations ideas. So, the next craft idea is easy, simple, and cheap. Pine Cone Christmas Tree!

DIY Waterless Snow Globes

Crafting a one-of-a-kind Christmas seems harder and harder as the years go by and inspiration runs out. Many of the holiday decorations out there seem to involve more and more expensive materials and extravagant styles. That’s why the homemade DIY version is the best method ...

DIY: Mosaic Ornaments from CDs

There is surely at least one CD you didn’t have any use for, but didn’t quite manage to throw it out. It’s cluttering your desk along other CDs you burned with music, when memory sticks and flash drives were just beginning to catch on. There’s an upside to all this. You can ...

DIY Feather Christmas Tree

Here is a beautiful and creative Christmas tree idea. It’s easy to make, and so easy to move around – because is made from feathers! Make sure you have:

DIY Bench From Broken Chairs

Ever felt envy when seeing those nicely trimmed gardens with the classy benches? People lounging comfortably in a sunny afternoon, sipping on a glass of lemonade and gently skimming a book? You can have the same result without giving some antique dealer a couple of hundred dollars. ...

DIY Natural Floor Cleaner

In the last decade, the trend is clearly heading toward a more organic approach. People and business owners around the world are looking to manufacture products that are non-synthetic and non-toxic, while the demand for natural things is on the rise. The DIY field is constantly surprising ...

Make a Snowman With Plastic Cups

It’s kind of difficult to bring a real snowman at your Christmas party without it melting in half an hour. But it’s much easier to make your own! And if you use plastic cups for this, you will get a sympathy bonus from your friends; eco is the way to go. It will also be in theme ...

DIY Stained Glass Candle Holder

In order to make this next awesome candle holder you will need the following materials: glue which after drying turns transparent, a glass, candle, tissue, scissors and one brush. The first step is to take the tissue and cut small shapes out of it that look like flowers. Then take ...

DIY String-Ball Chandelier

You can make a lot of great things out of strings as it is a cheap material and there are a lot of nice DIY projects on the internet based on it. This next project also uses strings and the outcome of it is quite spectacular. You will learn how to make a string-ball cahndelier that ...
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