How to eco-fit your garden

Urban areas are not very appropriate for eco-gardening, as the environment is not a suitable one. But John Walker has found an ingenious way to eco-fit your garden and shares the secret it all in his book ‘How to Create an Eco Garden’. The essential part, as the article says, ...

How To Build a Salad Table

If you like gardening so much, why won’t you marry it? Besides the funny side of this question, let’s delve a little into the details of gardening, especially urban gardening! This particular type is preferred by a lot of people in cities because it gives you the possibility ...

The Easiest Way To Grow Tomato Seedlings

If you love tomatoes and want to grow your own juicy fruits, because that’s what they are, here’s a great tip for you. After learning how to grow tomato seedlings you will never ever buy them at a supermarket, as nothing compares to the flavor of homegrown products. To ...

20+ Easy and Effective DIY Tricks for Gardening

As soon as spring came you probably realized that your garden requires some attention. We want to share a few tricks to help you grow your own healthy and interesting looking vegetables. Here are a few DIY tricks that can help you have a beautiful garden: If you don’t like how ...

In Order To Find The Perfect Antidepressant: Get Your Hands Dirty While Gardening!

There is a small bacteria called mycobacterium that people who are suffering from depression, anxiety, or other similar issues, should know all about. Scientists claim that this – and maybe other microorganisms – has a comparable positive effect on humans as pharmaceutical ...

Little Garden Log Cabin Kit For $5,000

Sometimes simpler is a lot! It might not be affordable for all of us to buy or build a log cabin as a home, but one that will replace the outdated and ugly shed, can surely be helpful. The next little log cabin you’re about to see is just what you need for making gardening a semi-professional ...

How to Easily Grow 17 Plants on One Square Foot of Land

You would think you need a lot of land if you’re going into gardening, but truth be told there are ways you can grow plants and not use a lot of space for this. The solution suggested here is one example. Read the tutorial and find out how to grow 17 plants on 1 square foot ...

12 Insanely Clever Gardening Hacks

Gardening can be both fun and annoying, but with the right tips and tricks you will only notice the fun and pleasant moments. If gardening is your passion, but you feel it a bit challenging at times, this next list of tips will make your life and your gardening activities a little ...

DIY Waist High Planter Box

Gardening is not an easy activity like you would tend to imagine. Of course it’s not as intricate as rocket science, but it is still a tiring job. The tasks of watering, tilling and any other aspect of tending to your plants will tire you and perhaps give you backaches on the ...
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